What I believe….

Transformation is possible!

Transformation is more than just changing our ideas about ourselves; it’s a shift in identity that affects how we perceive ourselves and how we show up on the world

Insight (I) + Action (A) = Transformation (T)

I = Insight can profoundly transform your life by bringing more awareness to your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. This deeper understanding of yourself fosters greater self-awareness, helping you identify and break free from limiting beliefs and unproductive habits.

A = While insight is crucial for understanding the need for change, true transformation requires action. Taking action turns awareness into reality, enabling you to implement positive changes and achieve your goals. Action bridges the gap between knowing and doing, supporting forward-momentum and fostering growth.

T= Transformation leads to change by reshaping your inner and outer world. As a result, you will feel empowered to embrace new possibilities, define success on your own terms, and have the courage to honor who you truly are.

My Mission

To guide and support visionary entrepreneurs, corporate professionals, and trailblazing leaders to forge innovative paths of positive change and unparalleled success.

My Vision

To create a thriving and vibrant community of individuals who are driven to help transform the way they live, lead, and work in order to have a positive impact on the world.

My Background

Traditional business background + HR expertise from the tech industry +

entrepreneurial spirit + passion for understanding people on a deep level =

Success coaching thousands of clients ranging from mid-career
professionals to start-up founders to leaders of the C-suite

With over 15 years of experience in the dynamic world of HR at Fortune 500 tech powerhouses, I bring a wealth of insider knowledge to the table. As a top-rated "Career Guru" at Google and a trusted Career & Executive Advisor for a career transition and leadership coaching firm in the San Francisco Bay Area, I've honed my skills to guide clients through successful - career transitions and leadership challenges.  

What truly sets me apart is my fearless spirit of entrepreneurship—I launched my own coaching business at the vibrant age of 30, driven by a burning passion to empower others on their path to reaching their full potential. The roots of my dedication to personal growth took hold even earlier, starting at the age of 25 when I sought out my own career & life coach.

Fun Facts About Me

First Love: Running was the first love of my life! I ran a 5k with my Dad at the age of 10 and I was totally smitten. At the age of 20, I ran my first marathon and have since ran a number of half marathons and 20ks. 

Nature Lover: Due to different opportunities in my life, I have lived in 5 different states within the US (CA, CO, NE, WA, WI) and feel my spirit soars most in the mountains. 

Lover of Silence: Meditation has been an integral part of my daily practice for the last 10 years. During the pandemic, I led weekly virtual meditation sessions at Google and have also led nature-based meditation groups outside of work.

Love Serving Others: Supporting those experiencing adversity and facing barriers has been a key theme in my life. I’ve been a mentor to a number of teenage girls from historically underrepresented backgrounds and have also spent years volunteering with those experiencing homelessness.

Strengths I Bring To Coaching……

Analytical Smarts + People Smarts

After spending 10+ years working with engineers in data-driven tech companies, I marry finely honed left-brain thinking with years of in-depth study of people, thanks to my background in coaching and HR.

Truth Teller 

If you are seeking candid feedback that will help you evolve as a human being, we will work well together.  An effective coach is one who challenges your assumptions, highlights your areas of development, and tells you what others are thinking but may not have the courage to say

Highly Sensitive Person

Due to being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), I am keenly attuned to the internal reality of others. My depth of processing can provide a thoughtful analysis and creative problem-solving approach to coaching.